I saw a video by Kobe Bryant where he said that going to sleep late from working long hours, waking up early to go to work... that "struggle"... that work... that effort...
that is actually The Dream.
That is living the dream.
Why does he say that is actually the dream?
Because most people want to take a holiday, most people don't want to work, right?
Most people say, "No news is good news."
They want to avoid the struggle.
They want to avoid the work.
So why does he say that is actually the dream?
I'm going to going to go into it further, and by the way you can watch the original video I saw by clicking here, but here's the truth...
The truth is, and here's what Kobe Bryant was basically saying and what is actually the case:
It's the effort that makes life worth living.
You do things for the work.
You do things for the effort.
If you want to go in a specific direction, you work towards it, and that's the joy, that's the game, that's the "dream".
If you started playing basketball with a two-year-old, you would very quickly get bored because there's no work, there's no game. If it was somebody challenging - sometimes they beat you, sometimes you beat them - it's a game, and only then is it actually fun.
The effort towards a certain direction is the whole joy of life, the effort.
That is the game!
And you need games in this game of life!
So what does that mean for you?
Well, while most people want "no news", no "struggle", they want a vacation or an easy life...
You need to look at how to get into more things, how to work harder, how to push yourself more, how to stay up late, work late, how to drive your body and how to drive your time and energy.
I'm not saying get bad sleep or to not take care of your body, but I'm saying that sometimes that's what it takes... and you ENJOY IT, because you're playing the game.

That is the dream.
So, if today you feel like going to bed early and not fully doing what you know you should do...
Instead, realize that's the game, and enjoy the effort of staying up a little later - just for tonight - to get done that one thing you know you need to get done!
There's nothing like that exhaustion at the end of a really productive day - getting into bed and going to sleep from the joy of the effort.
You earned it, now you will reward your body with a bit of sleep.
You reward the body!
See the difference?
It's not that the body tells you to quit, and then you need to go to sleep because the body said to, and you don't get what you were supposed to get done, done.
No, no!
You got it done, and you enjoyed it, and you're living the dream, and now body, you can sleep. Thank you for your service.
Get the idea?
Go live the dream!
Watch the video below for more!
And please share this blog post if you found it helpful.
Thank you,
Gal Ezra